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In the Sun, Penguin, Tasmania Detail No1 - - Julian Newman Artist

In the Sun, Penguin, Tasmania Detail No1

A detailed focus on simple natural elements found in our daily lives that quite often go unnoticed.

This is a detail of an image of weathered rocks on the beach at Penguin on the northern Tasmanian coastline. The smoothing and colours are fantastic and leap right out at you.

Image size: 11cm x 10.5cm (4.3" x 4.1").
Print size: 15cm x 15cm (6" x 6").

The full version of this piece was included in the BendArts PLACE exhibition, Bendigo, Australia, Feb - March 2013

Marked edition number 1/20

Available as a Limited Edition Print

Dispatched in 1 - 3 days

$32.50 AUD

Available In My Etsy Store - BUY NOW

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